尝试用 Quartz 和 Github Pages 部署了一个用于分享琐碎笔记的小站,虽然对于要分享些什么,我还毫无计划……



  • YouTube 视频:How to publish your notes for free with Quartz

最后,从官网引用一些 Quartz 原生支持的 frontmatter 格式,以备查询:

  • title: Title of the page. If it isn’t provided, Quartz will use the name of the file as the title.
  • description: Description of the page used for link previews.
  • aliases: Other names for this note. This is a list of strings.
  • tags: Tags for this note.
  • draft: Whether to publish the page or not. This is one way to make pages private in Quartz.
  • date: A string representing the day the note was published. Normally uses YYYY-MM-DD format.